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Bob Stifter, AKA Black Bart, has been a horseman and a showman for well over 30 years. He has owned, trained and ridden horses since he was a teenager. He started his showing career in the speed arena competing in barrel racing, pole bending, flags and all gymkhana classes. Shown here with just a few of the thousands of trophies, high points and year end awards, he still enjoys returning to the speed arena competing against his daughters and grandchildren.





In 1996 the new sport of cowboy mounted shooting was introduced to the Midwest. Already being an accomplished speed team, and Bob being a tournament trap shooter and avid hunter, the pair of Black Bart & Midnight Express took to this new sport like the proverbial duck takes to water.




Cowboy Mounted shooting is not only a competition sport but also involves spending weekends living like the 1800’s. Always being a snappy dresser, Black Bart has won many best-dressed awards.










Being part of the cowboy world means having a great time at reenactments. All played out in the Old West of the 1800’s this can involve holding up stagecoaches, robbing banks, or as seen in this photo, carrying off a cowboy drunk


Having performed as a Knight in Medieval Skits, Bob reworked his talents to fit into the Old West and became Ivan the Black, Cossack Warrior. Seen here with the reenactors of Wade House numbering over 150.




As Ivan the Black and Midnight Express charge in the arena performing their daredevil stunts, audiences are brought to their feet cheering. Some of this teams’ talents include slicing watermelons, spearing rings with a nine foot battle lance, taking rings out of his assistant’s hands with a saber………all done at a full gallop. Always adding, improving and changing things in his shows, you just never know what you might see.




Bob Stifter, Black Bart and Ivan the Black have all appeared on TV, and in numerous newspaper and magazines articles. They are seen here on Good Morning Arizona.




Bob and Midnight have participated in many parades, wagon trains and promotional events. See here in the Congress of Roughriders, The Great Circus Parade, Milwaukee, WI




Before and after performances, Midnight & Ivan spend countless hours visiting with the crowds.




Whether as Ivan, Black Bart or just Bob – giving kids rides is at the heart of why people love this team. Every child who gets the thrill of a ride on Midnight Express also receives a free souvenir picture.




A spectacular presentation and specially choreographed routine are performed in a tribute to America. It never fails to bring the audience to their feet screaming and cheering.